Monir Khan sings on Baul Akaeid’s tune and composition

Folk singer, Baul Akaeid has been highly applauded as a lyricist and a composer. On the other hand, Monir Khan is entirely occupied in singing for his YouTube channels and different record labels. Now, they both were teamed up for new songs. Munir khan lent his voice for four songs on Baul Akeid’s music and composition. Samrat Ahmed tuned the songs. Baul Akaeid opened up, saying, “Lyrics and tunes of these songs have been carefully organized. Besides modern songs, we also recorded two folk songs.

Monir Khan responded, “I lent my voice on unique tunes and compositions for these songs. I hope listeners will get different test. The songs will be released on Monir Khan’s official YouTube channel and MK Music24.

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