CAAB displays ways of saving passengers from fire

Masud Rana, Senior Reporter

An ABC Airlines (pseudonym) flight with 50 passengers landed at Shahjalal International Airport. After a while on the runway, the pilot noticed that the engine located his right side was on fire. He immediately reported the matter to the control room. Emergency information is then sent to all concerned authority from the control room.


The process of extinguishing the fire of the aircraft and rescuing the passengers unharmed began as soon they noticed. And members of various organizations including Civil Aviation’s own Fire Team, Fire Service Civil Defense Team, Air Force Team and Airport Armed Police Team joined in this process to stop the fire. On the one hand, bringing the fire under control and on the other hand getting the passengers out unharmed, the joint action started.


This drill was held at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on evacuating passengers safely if an aircraft catches fire. The exercise was held recently as part of the exercise that is instructed to be conducted every two years under the guidance of the International Civil Aviation Authority.


Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh (CAAB) Chairman Air Vice Marshal Muhammad Mafidur Rahman  witnessed the exercise as Chief Guest, Air Commodore AFM Atikuzzaman, Member (Management and Planning) was present as special guest.

Shahjalal International Airport Executive Director Group Captain Kamrul Islam coordinated this entire event.
Muhammad Mafidur Rahman said  the purpose of the exercise is to test the activities of the concerned organizations in dealing with emergency situations. Acquiring expertise in dealing with emergency situations in aviation at national level including testing various equipment including fire fighting vehicles.
He said, according to the obligation of ICA, we conduct such exercises every two years. As a result of such exercises, our capabilities are also communicated internationally.
He further said that we have a reputation around the world for dealing with disaster situations. The way we deal with it during natural calamities, garners a lot of praise internationally. The current government is taking various steps to give importance to the civil aviation sector. As we have gained trust, various advanced plans are underway and the government is also eyeing the issue of setting up a new airport.

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