President, PM greet AIPs for contribution to agriculture

President M Abdul Hamid and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina in separate messages today greeted the recipients of ‘Agricultural Important Person (AIP)’ status for the first time in the country.

Agriculture Minister Dr Abdur Razzaque will confer the AIP status on 13 persons at a function at Osmani Memorial Auditorium in the city tomorrow

In his message, the President said: “I welcome the initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture for honoring the AIPs -2020′.”

Highlighting the importance of the agriculture sector of the country, the head of the state said the success of this country in the socio-economic field is based on the sustainable agricultural production system.

In this context, agri-scientists, entrepreneurs, farmers, producers and agricultural organizers are playing a key role in the agricultural production system, he added.

He believed that giving state status to those selected as AIPs for their significant contribution in agriculture is a unique addition to the agriculture sector.

He congratulated those who have been conferred with ‘Agricultural Important Person (AIP)-2020’ award in recognition of their contributions in various fields of agriculture.

“I strongly believe that this initiative will encourage all individuals and organizations related to agriculture and accelerate the ongoing progress of agriculture,” Hamid continued.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, in her message, said: “…I congratulate all the persons recognized as ‘Agricultural Important Persons (AIPs).”

The premier became delighted to know that the AIPs of 2020 award are going to be felicitated for their significant contribution in the field of agriculture.

The greatest Bangalee of all time, Father of Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was the first to realize that knowledge-based modern agriculture is the first step to build a developed and prosperous ‘Sonar Bangladesh’, she added.

Hence, he gave utmost importance to agriculture in the reconstruction of the war-torn country after independence, she said.

She said Bangabandhu took various initiatives to modernize the agricultural system of Bangladesh.

Bangabandhu began the agricultural revolution by providing improved agriculture materials, including waiver of land development tax, up to 25 bighas, she said.

In 1973, Bangabandhu introduced the ‘Bangabandhu Jatiya Krishi Puroskar’ for the development of agriculture and also gave first class status to agriculturists in government jobs, the premier added.

Following the footsteps of Father of Nation, the Awami League government has taken various timely measures and agricultural-friendly policies for the modernization and overall development of agriculture since 2009, she said.

“We have established new agriculture universities to promote modern agricultural education,” she added.

She hoped that the government will attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 2030 to build a developed, happy and prosperous ‘Sonar Bangladesh’ (as dreamt by Bangabandhu) by 2041.

Both the president and the premier once again congratulated all the persons who recognized as AIPs and wished all the programmes taken to honor them a success.

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