Nasreen Zebin’s book “ Chotoder Tajudiin Ahmad’’ unveiled

Author Nasreen Zebin’s book Chotoder Tajudiin Ahmad’s cover was unveiled at the Professor Muzaffar Ahmed Chowdhury Auditorium, Faculty of Social Sciences Building (2nd Floor), University of Dhaka. State Minister for Women and Children Affairs Simeen Hussain Rimi unveiled cover of the book. At this time, the state minister said, this book will help to instill patriotism, love of nature, honesty, kindness and compassion among our children and teenagers. Basically, the book tries to present the book was written in a simple way, so that children, teenagers and young people feel interested to know more about this brave leader.

‘Tajuddin Ahmad was an honest man and ideal leader. From his childhood, he gradually nurtured himself to be able to unleash the maximum effort when the country needed him most. He never compromised on anything for the sake of the country. She said while reminiscing, Tajuddin Ahmad used to say, “To be a good leader, you must first to be a good person,” the state minister added.



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