1,000 tree-saplings to be planted at RU

1,000 more tree-saplings are going to be transplanted in Rajshahi University (RU) campus aimed at protecting ecological balance.

Bangladesh Environment and Development Society (BEDS) Bangla Track Limited donated the saplings to the RU authority today and it has transplanted some of those at the western premises of Syed Ismail Hossain Siraji Academy building.

On the occasion, the RU authority also held a discussion meeting at the conference hall of the Department of Geography and Environmental Sciences highlighting the significance of more tree plantation to mitigate the adverse impact of climate change.

RU Pro-vice-chancellors Prof Sultan-Ul-Islam and Prof Humayun Kabir, Bangla Track Chairman Nazma Haque and its adviser Rafiqul Islam addressed the discussion.

The speakers stressed the need for extensive tree plantation to improve environment and biodiversity to make the region habitable for all.

“Expansion of the country’s forest area up to 25 percent of the total landscape through extensive tree plantations will protect the country from adverse impact of climate change,” said Prof Sultan-Ul-Islam.

Explaining various beneficial aspects of trees and homestead gardening in human life, he urged all to plant at least three saplings on their homesteads to help maintain environmental and ecological balance.

Prof Humayun Kabir urged all to plant fruit saplings around their respective homesteads or on any open space to help maintain environmental and ecological balance and save the region from the wrath of any future natural catastrophe.

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